esmaspäev, 15. august 2005

Bags of Fun

I crocheted one more scrumble and put it on the left pocket and moved another one to the front of the bag.
Also started to stitch. As I said earlier, I don't know anything about embroidery. I learned few stitches from Sharon's stitch directory and gave it a try. Well, I'm loving it! I'm useing same cotton thread I used for crochet. Probably later on I'll get some "real" embroidery thread and add some fancier stitches as well :)
And beads of course.

4 kommentaari:

  1. what can I say - absolutely fabulous!

  2. hi-hi-hii, triibik!
    vaat kui lihtsate vahenditega ma endale rahvusvahelist seltskonda ligi meelitan. nõela ja niidiga ;)

  3. I love the mix of embroidery and crochet - and just a comment about 'real' embroidery thread - any thread can be used for embroidery you just need to get it through the fabric! I am so pleased you found my stitch dictionary usefulit gives me quit a thrill

  4. I found your blog through BagsofFun,Marianne.Your crocheted neck scarves are magnificent and the scrumbling on your bag.....Excellent!!
    I'm so glad you found SharonBs blog and joined in with us all.
    (Isn't Sharon's stitch dictionary so useful!!)
