esmaspäev, 16. oktoober 2006

Grainne Morton

Heitsin täna pilgu oma bookmarkidele ja leidsin Grainne Morton'i ehted. Alguse saavad need leitud ja hoolega kogutud pisividinatest, millele lisanduvad vanad nööbid, teokarbid, lillehelmed, samuti miniatuursed joonistused, tekstid.
Intervjuu kunstnikuga.

Contemporary jewellery designer Grainne Morton.
From her hompepage: "Collecting obscure and miniature objects is the starting point for Grainne Morton's designs. Through experimentation, objects both formed and found are grouped in to 'collections' and housed in handmade boxes. The various materials used include pressed flowers, old buttons, shells, pebbles, sea glass, printed tin and words/graphics/print. To complement these found elements, handmade objects such as enamel work, miniature drawings and punched metal shim are added to complete the collections."
Interview with designer.

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