Melody MacDuffee on USA-s teada-tuntud heegeldaja. Alates 1989.a on tema heegeldamisõpetusi ilmunud erinevates väljaannetes, samuti on ta osalenud mitmetel näitustel. Lisaks heegeldamisele tegeleb ta ka ehtekunstiga.
Minu tähelepanu pälvis ta väga värvilise ja huvitava struktuuriga overlay crochet-nimelise põneva heegeldamistehnikaga. MacDuffee on tegelenud selle "aretamisega" ligi 15 viimast aastat. Selle aasta lõpus on oodata tema raamatut "Crochet Overlay Jewelry".
Mõned näited tema töödest.
Melody MacDuffee is "mother" of very interesting crochet technique called overlay crochet.
From artist's webpage:
"Overlay Crochet is a new technique, one that has its roots in Aran and cable crochet. When worked with a combination of strict attention and joyful abandon, Overlay allows artists and crafters who are unwilling to pry their fingers from around their hooks to achieve effects not otherwise easily achieved in the crochet medium -- effects reminiscent of certain bargellos or embroideries or, on a really good day, the refracted glories one glimpses through a kaleidoscope's lenses."
Her first book on this topic named "Crochet Overlay Jewelry" is due at the end of this year.
Gallery of her work.
Algul ei saa üldse aru, et tegu on heegeldatud ehetega! Ma mõtlesin, et cernitist. Annab ikka heegeldada selliseid asju!Heegeljuveliir :)
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