teisipäev, 27. veebruar 2007

TAST week 8 - Fly stitch

Esimene kott on tikitud. Kuna otsustasin jätkata tikkimist sarnastele valgest heidest heegeldet ja kergelt vanutet kottidele, siis voodri ja sangade lisamisega ootan aasta lõpuni. Et leida kõigile ühtne stiil või nii.

8th week of TAST and fly stitch.
With fly stitch I filled in all the empty spaces what the left after last week and now this bag is done. As I decided to continue stitching on these crocheted and fulled bags through all year, I won't add lining or handles to any of them before all the bags are stitched.

4 kommentaari:

  1. Anonüümne27.02.07, 19:24

    No tulemus on lausa fantastiline!!! 5+

  2. tänud, trika!
    mis seal salata, olen ise ka tulemusega rahul :)

  3. it is a wonderful bg I love the colors and al the stitches
    great job done
