Anne-Marie Herckers'i lõbusad prossid.
Ja teise kandi pealt - etsy-lugu New York Times'is. Pikk, aga loetav.
Kui ma üsna etsy-algusaegadel sinna kaema sattusin, siis ei jätnud see mulle eriti mingit muljet. Põhjus selles, et otsisin otsinguga heegeldet asju ja leiud olid pehmelt öeldes alla igasugust arvestust. Sama mulje saab ka praegu asjale otsinguga lähenedes. Müüjaid on seal ju mitukümmend tuhat. Et mingitki aimu saada etsys pakutavatest pärlitest, soovitan visata pilk "treasury"-tele, kasutajate poolt koostatud mini-postritele kaasmüüjate loomingust. Needki on kõikuva kvaliteediga, kuid üsna mitmed on hingematvalt kaunid.
Fun pins by Anne-Marie Herckers.
And an article about Etsy in New York Times.
VastaKustutaI really am impressed with your arte.You is an artist of very talento.Sou mother also as you and I know how difficult it is to create with small children by perto.Read your interview and I was very impressed and confeço that now admire it even more , by their very history beautiful.I am Brazilian and if want something for my country is only to contact in my blog.I hope that your year 2008 is filled with much love and peace for all his people as I too.Não good as you in crochet, but I have learned and inspired me a lot in you.Thanks for sharing your talent conosco.Kisses! Eliane