teisipäev, 1. september 2009

Flickr Favorites - Back to school

Head kooliaasta algust kõigile õppuritele, õpetajatele ja pisikeste õpilaste emadele-isadele :)

1. School Room, 2. Quac School, 3. back to school blackboard, 4. Back To School for You Too

Happy schoolyear to all students, young or old, to their teachers and parents.
My oldest kid started her 3rd year at school today.
Good-bye summer and lazy mornings :)

4 kommentaari:

  1. What a great mosaic this is!
    Lots of kiddies start school today & I bet they are all pretty excited! :)
    Well, even though the lazy mornings are gone, I bet mommy has more me-time now... Enjoy & I hope they had a fun day today! :)

  2. A great "welcome back to school" to every students!!

  3. thanks girls!
    haha, Mitsy, I wouldn't be so sure about "me-time" - 2 younger ones are still at home :)

  4. Hehe, we had the same thought! Beautiful mosaic! :)
