teisipäev, 3. november 2009

Tehnika ja tootmine - I-pod will teach you how to crochet

Elagu tehnoloogia! I-pod oskab nüüd Easy Stitch 1.0 abil õpetada algteadmisi heegeldamisest, kudumisest ja tikkimisest. Et käsitööoskus moodsas maailmas kaotsi ei läeks. Pakutakse rohke pildimaterjaliga samm-sammult õpetusi, infot vajaminevate materjalide ja abivahendite kohta, nippe ja nõuandeid ja väga oluline jubin on ka mõõtühikute teisendaja (cm tollideks ja G-hook... milleks??)
Tore uudis igastahes :)

Quoting "Technical Made Easy today is pleased to announce the release of Easy Stitch 1.0 for the iPhone and iPod Touch. Now anyone can learn Embroidery, Knitting and Crochet using their iPhone and iPod Touch. Easy Stitch provides step-by-step instructions with full color illustration for learning Crochet, Embroidery and Knitting. This new application ensures that the art of sewing doesn't get neglected in our modern day world.
Included with each category are descriptions of various materials, supplies, tools, conversion charts from U.S to Metric and Tips & Tricks."

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