I've seriously cut down time spent on blog-reading and surfing the web.
That said I recently stumbled upon a beautiful blog of Patricia Zapata with tons of tutorials.
neljapäev, 11. detsember 2008
teisipäev, 9. detsember 2008
Neid mäletab keegi?
Sai toona neid hulgim tehtud. Ja reisima saadetud. Siia ja sinna. Ja veel mõni aeg hiljem tulid nad ringiga koju tagasi. Ja ootasid oma aega.

Lammutasin nad hiljuti laiali, revideerisin ja sorteerisin ja panin veidi teistmoodi kokku tagasi.
Ja nüüd on mõned neist taas lendu läinud. Et mitte enam tagasi tulla.

PS Kusjuures need 2-aasta tagused on palju ilusamad, vaatasin ma just...
Sai toona neid hulgim tehtud. Ja reisima saadetud. Siia ja sinna. Ja veel mõni aeg hiljem tulid nad ringiga koju tagasi. Ja ootasid oma aega.
Lammutasin nad hiljuti laiali, revideerisin ja sorteerisin ja panin veidi teistmoodi kokku tagasi.
Ja nüüd on mõned neist taas lendu läinud. Et mitte enam tagasi tulla.
PS Kusjuures need 2-aasta tagused on palju ilusamad, vaatasin ma just...
reede, 5. detsember 2008
kolmapäev, 3. detsember 2008
pühapäev, 30. november 2008
Uued moonid
Ühel hetkel sain mitu järelepärimist mooni-keede kohta.
Hetk oli loomulikult selline, mil erkpunane heegelniit oli otsa saanud, samuti mustad klaashelmed.
Aga moonid võivad ju ka tiba teistsugused olla...
Teisel katsel sain kätte ka oma erkpunase niidi...
... kuid musti rombikujulisi klaashelmeid oleks siiski hädasti vaja.
Ega ei juhtu kellelgi üle olema?
Ma heameelega ostaks peotäie.
kolmapäev, 26. november 2008
reede, 21. november 2008
Helen Cowans
Tekstiilikunstnik Helen Cowans'i rikkalikud tööd.
I'm in love with works of textile artist Helen Cowans.
found on designers' block
I'm in love with works of textile artist Helen Cowans.
found on designers' block
teisipäev, 18. november 2008
laupäev, 15. november 2008
Uus kollektsioon
Etsy's pole olulisim, mida sa müüd, vaid see, kuidas seda teed. Ütles ta :)
Pildid on tähtsad. "Isu tekitamise" seisukohalt isegi olulisemad kui toode.
Muidugi on plussiks kui kutsuva foto taga on ka suurepärane ese.
Aga vastupidi netis müük ei toimi. Tundeta pildid ei mõju, olgu asi ise nii hea kui tahes.
Tean omast käest.
Läinud aastal poodi pandud suured ja uhked sallid jäid pea kõik "lettidele" vedelema.
A õnneks olen ma õppimisvõimeline, kuigi mitte teab mis kiire reageerija :)
Jutu taustaks tutvustan oma "uudistoodet" - imelihtsaid kaelaehteid. Sihukesed naiste lipsud.
Ja tänu sellele uudistootele väljusin just Karnaluksi netipoest. Lõngad ja paelad ja ...
reede, 14. november 2008
Tulipunane õieke
Vaatame, kas õnnestub taas blogima hakata :)
Kasvõi ainult piltides. Kirjutada ei taha kohe üldse.
Vana disaini uus tulek:

Vaatame, kas õnnestub taas blogima hakata :)
Kasvõi ainult piltides. Kirjutada ei taha kohe üldse.
Vana disaini uus tulek:
reede, 31. oktoober 2008
Ma olen sattunud järjekordesse tsüklisse, sallide omasse nimelt.
Sedakorda on lisaks lihtsalt lõbule tegu ka suht ratsionaalse otsusega.
Etsyt pean silmas. Läks aega, mis läks - aasta ainult - ja lõpuks on pärale jõudnud, et mida vähem erinevaid tooteid, seda parem.
I'm a small scarf-making-factory these days.
Well, maybe not so small. And maybe not even a factory.
But you know, don't you, that you can find these babies with many other ones right here. :)
reede, 24. oktoober 2008
Vahelduseks täristatud lapikestele veel mõned heegeldatud sallid.
Kui kevadel-suvel olid põhiliseks "tooteks" käevõrud, siis hetkel olen treimas just neidsamu salle.
Kuigi mul oleks hirmus hea meel, kui mul pidevalt mõni noormodell käepärast oleks, keda mugav pildile püüda.
Leida võib siit. Nagu ikka.
pühapäev, 19. oktoober 2008
neljapäev, 16. oktoober 2008
kolmapäev, 15. oktoober 2008
#3, #4, #5
Here I used one of the leaf-motifs made awhile back. The bright one.
That's another purpose of this project - to get rid of all these bits and pieces I've made but never used. Felted and crocheted and needle-felted with machine. There are tons of them, trust me.

Here's the piece of white lace on top of lining-fabric. (Is that how you call it in english?)
Bit of wool, pieces of yarn.


Here I used one of the leaf-motifs made awhile back. The bright one.
That's another purpose of this project - to get rid of all these bits and pieces I've made but never used. Felted and crocheted and needle-felted with machine. There are tons of them, trust me.
Here's the piece of white lace on top of lining-fabric. (Is that how you call it in english?)
Bit of wool, pieces of yarn.
teisipäev, 14. oktoober 2008
Just do it!
Do you think Nike's gonna sue me if i repeat that too often?

Here's the story:
* one night I was checking Sara Lechner's newest blog - whatiffingaround
* later on I was reading Layers of Meaning and this post led me onto Nancy Reiner's painting blog and to this particular post: Turn up the volume on the inner voice.
* soon after that I found Jude Hill's Spirit cloth and What if via fellow estonian textile lover Tiina.
* since forever I've been wanting to do many different things with my embellisher, including "something big" :)
But I've always postponed it "till kids grow and I'll have more spare time".
Only to realize that, yeah, they grow alright, but that doesn't nessecerely mean there's more time for me. If I just don't make up my mind and just do it.

So all in all - now i'm doing it. Just doing it.
Which means I'm taking a little bit of time (15-30 minutes, or depending on situation) every work-day to play with my embellisher. Without thinking twice. Just doing it. No plan, no nothing. No thinking about if it's gonna look good or have I lost my mind or shouldn't stay-at-home-mom do something more useful instead, haha :)

Was so excited about the idea that I made 5 pieces today.
Doodled first with needle-felting machine, then sewed it onto 20 cm x 20 cm piece of old sheet (using the same orange thread every time because of laziness) and finally painted the showing part of white sheet with acrylics. (and believe it or not, these were exactly the colors that my 5 yo boy was mixing before. i only used his left-overs.)

And later on, when I'll be done with doodling (month, two, five? who knows) I'll be assembling these pieces into quilt(s).
Images of 3 other pieces will be up tomorrow.
Here's the story:
* one night I was checking Sara Lechner's newest blog - whatiffingaround
* later on I was reading Layers of Meaning and this post led me onto Nancy Reiner's painting blog and to this particular post: Turn up the volume on the inner voice.
* soon after that I found Jude Hill's Spirit cloth and What if via fellow estonian textile lover Tiina.
* since forever I've been wanting to do many different things with my embellisher, including "something big" :)
But I've always postponed it "till kids grow and I'll have more spare time".
Only to realize that, yeah, they grow alright, but that doesn't nessecerely mean there's more time for me. If I just don't make up my mind and just do it.
So all in all - now i'm doing it. Just doing it.
Which means I'm taking a little bit of time (15-30 minutes, or depending on situation) every work-day to play with my embellisher. Without thinking twice. Just doing it. No plan, no nothing. No thinking about if it's gonna look good or have I lost my mind or shouldn't stay-at-home-mom do something more useful instead, haha :)
Was so excited about the idea that I made 5 pieces today.
Doodled first with needle-felting machine, then sewed it onto 20 cm x 20 cm piece of old sheet (using the same orange thread every time because of laziness) and finally painted the showing part of white sheet with acrylics. (and believe it or not, these were exactly the colors that my 5 yo boy was mixing before. i only used his left-overs.)
And later on, when I'll be done with doodling (month, two, five? who knows) I'll be assembling these pieces into quilt(s).
Images of 3 other pieces will be up tomorrow.
just do it,
pühapäev, 12. oktoober 2008
Uued sallid
Sallid on uued, aga juba tuttavast seeriast.
New scarves are available in my shop.
More to come in near future.
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