I truly hope that you'll consider participating in this bag-designing challenge.
There are already some awesome entries in our gallery:
* Sirje's fab purse. Can you guess what it's made of? Hard to believe but it's painted and waxed wall-paper. Yep!
* Terje created her lovely mini-purse, with tiny zipper and all, from polymer clay
* Reet's "bag" is made of real silver
and so on and on.
And that's just the very beginning.
Thank you girls for making this challenge so enjoyable!
And once again absolutely everyone is welcome to join us.
We have a flickr group for discussions and posting photos of your work in progress as well as finished entries.
Every once in a while Leina and I'll be blogging about the challenge on our blogs and as soon as new photos will arrive, they'll find the way to our gallery.
If you find this challenge promising, you are welcome to spread the word. The more crafters-artists will join, the more interesting and inspiring this challenge will be :)

1. sügissonaat, detail, 2. leather squid bag, 3. Miniatuurne kott, 4. Felted cell phone cozy / Sügissonaat
Siirast heameelt teeb teadmine, et Sügissonaadi galeriisse on laekunud mitmeid põnevaid ja vahvaid töid. Ja veel millistest materjalidest!
Aitäh-aitäh-aitäh :)
Abivalmis sõber Hobipunkt.ee, kes jagab "präänikuid" suisa igakuiselt, on esimese õnneliku selgitanud - selleks on alati originaalne Ingermaaike.
Ja sõna levib.
Levitage teiegi. No näiteks kui teate kedagi, kes teab kedagi, kes on käsitööringi juhendaja mõnes kaugemas nurgakeses, vihjake meie üritusele ja ärgitage huvilisi osalema. Raamist väljumiseks ei pea olema meiesugune "internetisõltlane" :)
Tahaks väga, et teave leviks.
Hello there!
VastaKustutaI invite You to see my blog: it is probably the only one written 50% Italian and 50% Estonian.
Best wishes from Italy!