TASTi selle nädala pisteks oli ahelpiste. Kuigi ma loen oma sellekordse TASTi "peaprojektiks" seda mustataustalist asja, siis soodsate olude ja mängulusti olemasolul tikin ka seda tüdrukut. Sarnaseid neidiseid on mul veel 2 tükki. Vuristasin need mitme aasta eest viltimismasinal valmis ja näed, kuluvadki nüüd marjaks ära. Saab iga meie pere tüdruk (mina sh) omale ühe uinuva kaunitari :)
Piigast vasakule lisasin eelmise nädala linnusilmapistet.
Although my main project for TAST is this one, I occasionally also work on this girl. The girl was machine felted with embellisher few years back and I really love to work on her!
This week I did her hair and lower right corner of background in chain stitch.
And here's the overview of the piece. If you look carefully you can probably spot most of the stitches featured in TAST so far.