Take a stitch Tuesday, fifth week and chevron stitch.
That was my first encounter with chevron stitch and in the beginning I didn't like it. So I decided to do just straight lines with it and cover that way the bottom of my bag. The more I stitched, the better I liked it. So much that after finishing some curvy lines on one side of the bag I grabbed for piece of felt and stitched some more on it. I'll turn it into cushion later. This will be second one of "Leaves" series. First one can be seen here.
Auu jah. Mu abivahendid jäid kahjuks koju, nii et ma ei saa sellele küsimusele enne vastata, kui Tartust lahkun - nii umbes nädala pärast.
VastaKustutaEga mul jäi bloogis kah asi pooleli, igasugu erinimega tuletised on veel tõlkimata ja chevron oli üks neist.
Nii e saab kindlasti, ainult natuke läheb aega.
tundub mulle, et see on põlvikpiste.
VastaKustutaTundub mulle, et Anul on õigus. :) Näed, kui kena, kui kellegi on parem mälu.
aitäh-aitäh :)
VastaKustutaYour fiber art is beautiful. Do you speak English? Do you live in Estonia? I posted a link on my blog to your Flicker photos. I love the free form crochet! And the felted flowers!
VastaKustutaMolly Jean Henson from Texas
that's wonderful - Dale
VastaKustutayou are so talented!
VastaKustutathank you Molly Jean, Dale and Cynthia :)