Esmalt lõikasin vildist välja lehemotiivid ning ääristasin tekkinud augud. Lehed omakorda tikkisin uuesti vilditükile, kuid pahupidi st alumine, valge vildikiht, ülespoole. No ja siis veel natuke.
Edaspidi õmblen mingi teise kanga vildile alla ja õmblen diivanipadjaks. No kindlasti tikin ka veel natuke ;)
I wet felted another day a piece of felt to stitch on during TAST after I've done with my bag. Well, to be honest I just laid the layers of wool on old sheet and rolled it all up, secured and threw into washing machine. It took me less than 10 minutes. You can't get perfect felt by doing it this way but it's just fine for stitching.
As I said I wasn't going to use it before the bag was done. But... I got this idea while cleaning the kitchen which I just had to try. Right away! And I did.
First I cut out leaf motifs and buttonholed the edges. Then I stitched these same motifs back to felt but this time bottom layer up, so that instead of green wool the white wool is showing. Finally stitched on some more leaves with yellow crochet thread.
Later on I'll turn it to cushion. Won't be the only one. I plan to make about half dozen leaf themed cushions and maybe, just maybe, even my first wall hanging. And that would be the tree. You see, where will be 6 cushions on sofa and behind the sofa towers the tree. With leaves falling...
We'll see. Maybe I'll drop this idea but right now I'm loving it.
lehemotiiv on väga ilus ja sümpaatne! ma juba kujutan vaimusilmas ette, kuidas selline padi sinu diivaniserva ehib! VÕIMAS!
VastaKustutaWhat a lovely idea!
VastaKustutaI really love this piece, thanks for sharing!
VastaKustutaVäga äge tulemus! Mulle meeldivad nii tikand kui ka too vanutatud põhi. V huvitav on.
VastaKustutaSee on vahva, vildi saab nii ikka väga särtsakaks. Ajab kohe ägeda viltimisisu peale aga jälle see neetud 24 tunni piirang ööpäeva pikkuses! Valimiseelsel ajal võiks ju keegi mõne lisatunni lubada :)